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Trailing Moon Flowers: A NOLA Shifters Prequel Read online

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  “Damn, Mia, you're barely wearing dat dress,” Beau teased. “You tryin' to catch someone's eye?” He knew damn well his sister had a crush on Gage and had for years.

  Mia glared at him. “No. I just liked it,” she retorted. The two inch heels she wore put her a little over five feet but she was still considerably shorter than her twin. They suffered through several photos their mama just had to take before Beau gave them a ride to school. He'd graduated the year before.


  Gage has his arm draped around his latest conquest, bullshitting with some of the guys on the team, when one of them whistled at someone who'd just entered the gym where the dance was being held.

  “Damn, if I'd known she cleaned up so well I'd have asked her out.”

  Gage turned to look where his teammate was looking and his pulse jumped. He'd never seen Mia so dressed up and god she was gorgeous. That dress, though. It was too fucking short! What was her mama thinking letting her wear something like that?

  “Excuse me a second.” He let go of his date and made a beeline for Mia and Jules. He curled his fingers around her arm and pulled her aside. “What da hell are you wearin'?”

  Mia arched a brow at him. “It's called a dress. I know I don't wear dem much but you know what a dress is, Gage.”

  “Dat's not a dress, it's half of a dress,” he hissed.

  She gave him a confused look. “What's that supposed to mean?”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “I can't believe your mama let you wear someting dat short.”

  “Mama helped me pick it out, thank you very much,” she said indignantly. “Don't you have a date to get back to? If you leave your latest conquest too long someone might try to steal her from you.” Who did he think he was trying to dictate to her what to wear?

  Gage stared at her. This was a side of Mia he'd never seen before and he wasn't entirely sure how to handle her newfound assertiveness. “Fine, but don't get pissy when guys tink you're easy,” he grumbled under his breath before he walked away.

  He returned to his date and wrapped his arm around her. Every now and then he found his gaze going to where Mia sat. More than a few guys stopped to talk to her but from what he could see, she didn't seem all that interested in any of them. “Hey, babe, I'm gonna go ask my friend, Mia, for a dance. We had a little argument earlier and I want to apologize to her and she looks a little lonely just sittin' dere.”

  Christy pouted at him. “Fine, go be a good friend and have one dance with her. But only one. They'll be announcing Homecoming King and Queen soon.” They were in the running for it. Usually it was announced ahead of the dance but this year they were doing things differently.

  “Sure thing, babe.” He gave her a quick kiss and headed to the table where Mia and Jules were sitting. “Hey, Mia. Look, I'm sorry about da way I acted earlier. Will you dance wit' me and let me make it up to you?”

  Mia hesitated to answer. “Won't your girlfriend get mad?”

  “Naw, she's cool wit' it. Come on. Let me make up for bein' an ass earlier.”

  “I guess I can do dat.” She stood and slipped her hand into his. His fingers were warm where they curled around hers and her skin tingled from his touch.

  Gage led her onto the dance floor and pulled her close. “You look really pretty tonight.”

  “In other words, I don't look like me.” She tried to hide the bitterness she felt behind sarcasm.

  “No, dat's not what I mean. I just mean dat dress looks really good on you, even if it is a bit short.” His fingers brushed against her hair where it hung down her back. “You should wear your hair like dis more often.”

  “Like I said, I don't look like me. I like havin' my hair up but dis dress looked better wit' it down.”

  “You still look like you, just better...different.” At the look she gave him he almost growled in frustration. “Why are you makin' it so hard to give you a compliment? You look good and I'm not da only one who noticed.”

  At first Mia scowled at him but when he said he was trying to give her a compliment she sighed. “Sorry.” She bit her lip briefly. “Thank you,” she finally said.

  Gage wanted to say more but the song ended. “I should get back to Christy. Dey'll be announcin' Homecomin' King and Queen soon.”

  Mia took a step back, putting some distance between them. “Yeah. I voted for you, you know.” She mentally kicked herself for the admission.

  Gage gave her a cocky grin. “A'course you did. You're my number one fan.” He winked at her and headed back to his girlfriend.

  No sooner was Gage back at Christy's side when the president of the Homecoming Committee took the stage. “The moment you've all been waiting for. Thanks for bearing with us this year when we decided to try something new and announce it now instead of at the game. Last night was about the football team, it seemed fitting to keep the focus on them and wow, did our guys rock or what?” Cheers filled the gymnasium and she had to wait for it to die down before she could continue. “Will the nominations for Homecoming King and Queen take the stage?” She waited until the four pairs were on stage then announced the second and third runners up. There was applause for the two couples but everyone was really waiting to see who got the crown. “Okay, okay, I've tortured y'all long enough. This year's Homecoming King and Queen are...Gage Delacroix and Christy Telgard!”


  When Gage first snarled at her about her dress being so short, Mia felt a fleeting moment of pleasure. He wouldn't have said anything if he didn't care, right? Then she remembered. She was like a sister to him. It wasn't like he was jealous because he thought someone else might actually ask her out. He proved that when he went back to Christy and draped his arm over her shoulder. She found a table while Julius got them both a glass of punch and sat to watch everyone. Several guys stopped at the table to flirt with her, which was nice, but she knew that come Monday they would look right past her again. They didn't see her, they saw her dress.

  She was playing with her cup when Gage approached. “...dance wit' me and let me make it up to you.” She was only partially listening because she'd started regretting her decision to attend the dance. It took a little cajoling on his part but Mia finally let Gage lead her onto the dance floor.

  She tried to keep her body stiff but when he pulled her close so there was little space between them she felt herself all but melting into his loose embrace. Why did she have to have such a crush on him? Why couldn't she have liked someone who wasn't so...gorgeous? She felt tongue-tied until he gave her a backwards compliment.

  Of course she 'looked better' in a dress that showed off her boobs. He was a boy, that was all he could see; boobs. If she'd worn something that covered her up more, would Gage have even approached her the first time? By the time the song was over she felt...glum. No, he wouldn't have approached her. The only reason he had was because of her dress. He didn't even see her, not really. Not the way she wanted him too. “I voted for you, you know.” Why oh why did she tell him that? What was she thinking giving him that kind of power over her? She wanted to take the words back but she couldn't.

  “A'course you did. You're my number one fan.”

  Mia felt like her heart was breaking. He had no idea how right he was and she just knew he would never see her the same way. Some might say she was too young to know what love was, but Mia disagreed. She loved Gage Delacroix. She had for years. When he looked at her though, he didn't see Mia Lafleur, the girl who was crazy about him. He saw his 'pal', Mia, the girl who liked to fish and play ball like she was one of the guys.

  Sitting back at the table, Mia tuned out the announcement of the second and third runners' up for the Homecoming Court. It wasn't until the King and Queen were announced that she pulled herself out of her own thoughts. “Okay, okay, I've tortured y'all long enough. This year's Homecoming King and Queen are...Gage Delacroix and Christy Telgard!”

  After the cheers died down Mia looked over at her twin. “Can we go home now? I just really don't
wanna be here anymore.”

  Julius nodded. “Yeah. I tink I'm over my Cody crush.” Seeing him acting like an ass to some of the other kids at the dance who weren't as dressed up as everyone else had killed the 'Oh, I like him' buzz.

  Mia spared one last glance at the stage where Gage stood grinning with his arm around Christy before she slipped out of the gym. She let Julius call Beau for their ride home and leaned against the side of the building while they waited. What had started out as a fun night had turned into a depressing one but she only had herself to blame for that. She was the one who'd convinced herself that maybe, if she dressed up, Gage would finally see her and want her as much as she wanted him. She'd been such a fool.


  When they were finally able to get off the stage, and he was able to extract himself from Christy, Gage went to look for Mia. For some odd reason he felt the need to see her, to know what she thought of him winning Homecoming King. The table she and Jules were sitting at was empty and after a quick look he realized they'd left. He felt...hurt and disappointed. She'd said she voted for him but she didn't stick around to congratulate him.

  For the first time in a long time, when some of the guys asked if he was going to the party that was planned after the dance, he said no. There was always a party happening on Saturday night but he really didn't feel like drinking with his buddies. He didn't even want what he knew he could easily get from Christy. It seemed a lot of the girls at school were ready and willing to put out as long as you were a jock. “I've got some stuff I gotta do early in da mornin' so I can't be out partyin' all night.”

  “Dude, you're gonna miss all the fun,” Cole Ambrose said.

  “You'll have to fill me in den.” Gage headed for his car before he could let himself be talked into going after all. He knew Mia would be up early. She often spent her mornings away from the compound at a lean-to they'd put up when they were kids. It gave her a quiet space to do the one thing that she really enjoyed; paint. He wanted to talk to her before she got too absorbed in her art.

  The sun was just beginning it's climb when Gage dragged himself out of bed, got a quick shower, and dressed. He grabbed a cup of coffee and a biscuit from the counter where his mama was already up working on breakfast, and headed for the door. “I'll be back for breakfast,” he assured his mother before she could say something to him about needing more than one biscuit. After he'd gotten home last night he'd had a hard time falling asleep and as a result he was dragging a bit this morning.

  Gage slipped inside the lean-to and sat to wait for Mia's arrival. He tapped his fingers against his leg and kept an ear out. He didn't want to startle her and he knew if he stayed silent that was exactly what would happen.

  Half an hour later the faint sounds of footsteps reached his ears. He slid out into the open and leaned against the tree the frame of the lean-to was set against. “Mornin', Mia.”

  Mia blinked and frowned a little. “Mornin'. What are you doin' here? You haven't come here in forever.” That was why it had become her refuge, of sorts.

  “I knew you'd be here dis mornin' and I wanted to talk to you.” He moved so she could carry her supplies inside.

  “What about?” She had a sinking feeling she already knew the answer.

  “Why'd you leave da dance so early?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Didn't feel like stayin' any longer. I wasn't really havin' fun and neither was Jules, so we decided to leave. I tink da only reason I went, really, was because everyone else was goin' and I didn't want to be da only one who didn't show up.”

  “Oh. I guess dat makes sense. Did you stay long enough to find out who won King and Queen?”

  “Yeah. Congratulations. I knew you'd get it. Ever'body likes you.”

  “Thanks, Mia. I guess I should get outta here and let you paint.” He was reluctant to leave though. “Why do you do dat way out here, anyway?”

  “It's quiet and no one bothers me. Only person who knows about dis place is you and you stopped comin' out here when you hit high school.”

  “Oh. I guess wit' ever'ting I had goin' on, I just didn't have time to come out here anymore.”

  Mia shrugged. “It gives me plenty of space.”

  “I guess so. I'll get outta here now. See you later, Mia.”

  “Yeah. See you.”

  Gage left without looking back. If he had he would have seen the sorrow and longing etched on her face before she ducked inside the lean-to and started painting.

  Chapter Five


  It was time. For seven years now, he'd felt his leopard's desire to challenge their Alpha. He'd worked out and trained every day. He'd pushed himself past his endurance levels in order to build up his speed, stamina, and strength. He'd bulked up so that, at twenty-two, he was broad shouldered with clearly defined muscles.

  Once he felt he was physically ready to challenge Zachary, he turned his attention to the financial side of things. It would take more than brute strength to lead the Pard out of the poverty Zachary had allowed it to sink into. For the last four years he'd been slowly building his financial portfolio so that, when the time came, he would have the financial stability to do just that.

  Each year that had passed with Zachary Eitenne buying himself lavish gifts and spending money on his whores, money that should have gone to help the less fortunate members of the Pard, Caine found his rage increasing. No more. The Pard deserved better, and by gods, tonight he would make that happen.

  It was late evening, the fading sun stained the sky in crimson, pink, and orange hues. Cicadas sang in the trees, the croaking of bullfrogs echoed across the bayou, and every now and then the hiss of a gator could be heard. Spanish moss, which hung heavily on the trees, swayed in the light breeze. It all seemed a fitting backdrop for what was to come.

  Many of the Pard were out enjoying the evening breeze after the sweltering heat of a late September day. Their gazes followed Caine as he made his way toward their Alpha's home. Those who were brave enough to follow, or let their curiosity override their fear, trailed behind him in a meandering line.

  “What's dis?” Zachary was lounging on his porch with one of his whores draped across his lap.

  “Zachary Eitenne, I, Caine Bordeaux, challenge you for your position of Alpha of the Black Water Pard.”

  Zachary laughed. “Dis is a joke, yeah?” He couldn't believe anyone had the gall to challenge him. “You're practically a kit. You really tink you can defeat me?”

  Caine just looked at him. If Zachary thought he could intimidate him, he was sorely mistaken. “I don't just tink so, I know so. You've been lax too long, old man. You tink yourself unable to be defeated?” He scoffed at the older man. “While you have done no'ting but lie around for years bein' lazy and gettin' fat, I have been trainin' every day for nearly a decade for dis moment. Are you too afraid to accept my challenge?” His tone was mocking.

  Zachary snarled. “I accept your challenge, kit. I'm goin' to teach you a lesson.”

  Caine didn't bother with stripping before he shifted. The action shredded his clothes but that was why he was wearing a pair of old cut-off shorts and a tank top.

  Zachary, however, was a little slower. “You might wanna go on inside da house,” he told the woman before he began to undress. His clothes were expensive and he didn't want to ruin them. The woman watched everything with interest. She was among the select few humans who really knew about the Pard and their compound. For a man who disliked humans, in general, Zachary sure had an affinity for them when he had a sexual itch to scratch.

  Word of Caine's challenge spread quickly through the compound and soon the entire Pard was gathered to watch. Whatever happened here tonight would have a ripple effect that would be felt for years to come.

  Caine immediately went on the offense. He wanted the fight over quickly. He wasn't worried he couldn't win otherwise; he just didn't want to drag the fight out any longer than necessary. His leopard wasn't as large as Zachary's but the older cat mov
ed slower. With Caine's speed, he overpowered Zachary within minutes. His jaws clamped around Zachary's throat and he bit down while his claws raked the Alpha's side.

  Zachary believed he would be the victor. It had been years since he'd been challenged by anyone. The last real fight he'd been in was nearly two decades ago. As a result, he was cocky and self-assured. He realized, a little too late, just how wrong he was. His claws raked at the smaller leopard when he felt Caine's jaws clamp around his throat. He struggled and fought for his life. A snarl tried to escape but it was cut off when his throat was crushed.

  Caine held onto the other leopard until he was certain Zachary was dead. He felt a modicum of remorse over the other leopard's death because life, all life, was precious to him, but his overall emotion was one of relief. Relief that it was finally over. Relief that now the Pard could begin to rebuild. Relief that now the Pard could be brought out of squalor.

  “Build da pyre. We will pay our respects as is fittin.” Caine's voice echoed in the silence. His gaze went to Remy Delacroix and Beau Lafluer, both of whom stood closest to him. “Pick out a couple of people to help you get da wood needed.”

  Remy didn't even blink in surprise. “You got it, Alpha.” He shared a glance with Beau before he motioned for several Pard members to follow them.

  “Your mama would be mighty proud of you, if she were here.”

  Caine's attention was drawn to Eliza Lafluer. She'd been best friends with his mama. “Thank you for dat, Ms. Eliza. I like to tink she'd be glad to see da Pard comin' under better leadership.”

  “So you tink you'll do a better job?”

  “I know I will. Da Pard won't be sufferin' in poverty anymore. I've got da means to make it better and I plan to see it happen.”

  Eliza approached him before she inclined her head submissively. “She'd be real proud of da man you've become, Caine. I know your papa made you feel like it was your fault she died, but your mama, she loved you. She didn't care if it put her in risk, she wanted to hold her babe in her arms, and she did. None of us is guaranteed tomorrow, your mama knew dat, and she lived her life da best she could and tried to make ever'one around her happy.”